
Friday, August 30, 2019

What an adorable puppies life is about.

In literacy we did free writing and I chose to make an animation on a puppies life, I have my own puppy at home, put in the comments if you have a puppy at home and what is his name and breed

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why we should be allowed to have tigers as the best pets ever

♥️We should be allowed to have tigers as pets♥️
In my opinion we should be allowed to have tigers as pets.

The most important reason is that tigers are a great guard to the house and will alert you if anyone of anything is coming up and it will scare them away.

Another point is that tigers can eat any leftovers like on thanksgiving if you have turkey it will be happy to eat the leftovers. But anytime before that don't forget to talk to the council and see if you can get a permit. But to get a permit you will need to show the council you have everything you need to look after a Tiger. you would need a huge backyard, things to occupy it while you are gone, pretty high fences that are secure.

Another point is that tigers are endangered are they would be much happier in a warm happy home that they don't get killed in. And also tigers need a big space to run around in and feel free.

Finally I think that tigers are pretty cute to have as pets and they can live quite a while.

Therefore I believe that we should be allowed to have tigers as pets.

In literacy we needed to write on an argument/ persuasive writing, I chose to do why we should be allowed to have tigers as pets. Would you like to have a tiger as your pet? Tell me why or why not in the comments. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

We shouldn't put poor hamsters in small cages!

Stop putting hamsters in small cages

In my opinion we should stop putting hamsters in small cages because it is mean to keep them in small cages.

Another point is that the wild is their home, Hamsters are actually very well evolved to live happily in the wild without cages, wheels, toys or owners. It’s also just about impossible to spot the little rodents in the wild.

The most important reason is that their cages get very smelly, a hamsters cage needs cleaning at least twice a week.  You have to dump all of the bedding out and scrub the enclosure with a mild detergent and warm water. I noticed that hamsters poo about 2-3 tablespoons each day, new hamsters poop a lot especially if they are frightened.

Finally a question for the poor things, would you like to live in a small cage? if not and you have a hamster in a small cage order a new one right now! So your hamster can feel more free.

I therefore believe that hamsters should not be allowed to live in small cages.

Kadie W

In writing we are doing persuasive writing on an argument. I chose to do Stop putting hamsters in small cages. Would you like to be shut in a small cage with nothing to do?  #Savethehamsters if there is anything I need to improve on please comment down below I would really appreciate it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Insane Grandad on fleek!

In reading we are reading Barking Mad and were asked to do a character description on any character from the book. I chose to do Granddad because I know the most about him. Granddad has invented a mind swapping machine and all of a sudden he has gone crazy! Has he swapped minds with someone? Please put in the comments who you think Granddad swapped minds with.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Hi if you have gotten a puppy here is some puppy facts and needs for your needs plz comment if you have a puppy and what is their name.

some thing need to be kept a secret

Today in Cybersmart We learning the difference Between. what to keed secret and what we can post on our blog Check out what I know!!!

Keep any phone number a secret this way its harder for people to randomly call you
In Book club we had a book called Barking mad we had a charachter in the story and did some research on him. his name was leonardo da vinci hope you like this slide show.if you know anything bout Leonardo Da Vinci plz coment down below Tysm!