Why children should not get paid for doing chores
In my opinion children should not get paid for doing chores because life without parents would be bad because who would teach you how to walk and talk, we should be grateful to even have parents that would look after us and care for us and love us with all their hearts and they are going to go shopping for food so that we can eat.
The most important reason is because our parents do nearly everything for us already like they make us dinner every night. They sometimes be late to work so that they can drop us off to school on rainy days. They even pay the bills for the house so that we can live in a happy and healthy home.
Another point is that we should be helping out around the house anyway even if we don’t get paid for it because after our parents come home from work they would be very tired after a long day and would want to go for a rest. While they are resting you could help out and do some of their chores for them.
Finally is that if you don’t get paid they can save up for holidays and they would try their best to have a really fun time with the people they love. Plus it would teach us great life skills for the future, because you wouldn't get paid when you are an adult so why should we get paid when we are kids? It also helps out when we get a house of our own and we have to look after that to stop getting rodents
I therefore believe that children should not get paid for doing chores because they can help out and do the chores as a family.