Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, August 27, 2021
The Tale Of Ruby..
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
The Wise Malala
My Biteable on Malala
Friday, August 20, 2021
Cat Living Nightmare..
In the inky blackness of the shadows, she blended in perfectly. Her saucer-like eyes and sleek whiskers were all that could be seen.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Bad Dream Poem
Friday, August 13, 2021
The Wild Stallion
The Wild Stallion
I walked along the beach looking for my lost sister. She had run off and away from the house looking for something to do. I stand looking around then all of a sudden I turn around to see a black stallion running towards me. He didn't seem to like that I was standing there. He got closer, and closer and closer until he reared right in front of me. I fell over looking at his chest. I saw a white mark that looked a little bit like a moon trying to not make any sudden moves. I stood up and tried to calm the horse down. I shushed the horse until it was just standing there. I put my hands up and tried to touch it, maybe then it would think that I wont hurt him and all I want to do is help. I find a rope left on a rock, I slowly walk over to it and pick it up, putting it on the horse like a lead rope. I pat the horse and lead it to an abandoned barn like garage thing. I find a hook, I tie the rope to and and whisper to the horse “I will be right back okay boy?” I went home and ordered some horse feed and sand for the horse to be on. Once it was here I ran straight back and decided to name the horse “Hmm What should I name you..? Raven! Yes! Raven! That's your name ok?” I pat him on his neck. A few weeks later I thought that I had gained his trust enough so I went and ordered a saddle pad, saddle, bridle, proper lead rope and some brushes. When the packages come to the door my mom comes home and picks up the package reading the front and seeing what's inside of it and when she opens the door “Honey!?” She yells to me “Mom!? Your home early.!” I say nervously “Ya and I found this at the door something about horse supplies? Do you have a horse here sweety?” She looks at me with that mom stare “Well not here exactly but-” Before I could finish she cuts me off “SO there is a horse!? Where did you get it from!?” She starts yelling “ well he was a wild stallion that I found and I want to ride him mom” I say normally “SO I am gonna go feed him now! Bye mom!” With frustration I grabbed the package from her wrath and ran out the door, pushing past her. I walked over to where Raven was meant to be but something was wrong.. I couldn't see Raven anywhere!! I turned around and yelled “RAVEN!! RAVEN..!!” I started going through the forest that was nearby, thinking he would be somewhere in there. I heard something but ignored it, hearing it again I noticed the sound.. It sounds like..? Horse hooves? Horse hooves!?! I ran to where I heard the hooves and saw 3 men trying to wrangle a horse into a horse float. When the horse reared I noticed something.. There was a white mark on it's stomach! Just like? Ravens!! They were trying to take him from me! I knew I wouldn't be able to fight them off on my own.. I thought that I was going to lose raven forever.. I turned around in shame just to see a beautiful black mare with a long mane. She reared with an extremely loud neigh then bent down and put her hoof up.. I then noticed! She wanted me to mount her! Without a saddle? A bridle? I didn't know what I was doing! I started walking towards the mare and hopped onto her back. She then took off in a gallop! I had never felt so free in my life! She ran towards the 3 men still struggling to get raven into the horse float and she scared them all off! I jumped off her and then ran to raven! “I was so worried that I was gonna lose you forever!!” I said as I hugged him tight! I also went and hugged the mare and said thanks for helping get raven back!I then took in the lost mare and we all lived as a horsey family! Raven and the Mare had a foal of their own, called Bolt!
In Literacy we had to write our own stories about anything we want! I decided to write it about a wild Stallion that was adopted by a 12 year old girl and they found a mare and they all lived as one big horsey family! Do you like horses? Whats your favourite breed? (If you know it)
Peppa Is Mean! (By Peppa Pig and George Pig)
Friday, August 6, 2021
Horrifying Haiku!
The Lightning Flashes..
Hiding under the covers
As the thunder roars